Sep 16, 2024
MSCI 282 - SCUBA II: Emergency Management and Advanced SCUBA This course grants divers the chance to gain more dive experience in the Monterey area while increasing awareness and proficiency with emergency mgmt and adv. dive techniques. Included in the course is training in dive first aid. Successful evaluation qualifies students for NAUI Adv. OW Scuba Diver, NAUI Rescue Diver certs and DAN DFA Pro or equivalent. Topics and skills to be introduced: Emergency Mgmt; Rescue Techniques; Problem Solving; Specific Dive Activities (Night, Navigation, Deeper); Dive First Aid.
Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): [Prereq: ((KIN 280 and KIN 280L) or MSCI 280 with a C- or better) or (Instructor Consent)] Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Units: 2