Catalog 2024-25 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ES 307 - Japan-American Experience This course focuses on Japanese-American experience from the 1860s to the present as an ongoing study in ethnographic assimilation, including early immigration and response; immigration and labor laws; property rights; and WWII internment. Students identify and evaluate the issues of the ethics of assimilation, racial and ethnic discrimination, educational opportunity, social justice, and cultural identity. Taught in English.
(Crosslisted/Equivalent with JAPN 307 )
Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): (Prereq: GE Areas A1 and A2 and A3 and B4 with a C- of better) General Education: F Ethnic Studies University Requirement: ES Ethnic Studies, US1 U.S. Histories Typically Offered: Spring term only - even years
Units: 3