Catalog 2024-25 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ES 317 - Pacific Food Empires This course examines the historical processes that have informed the food on our plates. In particular, we will look at food as a medium through which to understand the processes of migration, invention, colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism that have shaped much of the Asia-Pacific world, including Japan and the United States. Students will have a clear understanding of the processes of colonialism and globalization that informed the spread and invention of different food cultures and cuisines.
(Crosslisted/Equivalent with JAPN 317 )
Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): (Prereq: GE Areas A1 and A2 and A3 and B4 with a C- or better) General Education: F Ethnic Studies University Requirement: ES Ethnic Studies Typically Offered: Spring term only
Units: 3