Feb 18, 2025
Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
History, AA-T to Humanities & Communication, B.A.
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Download the CCC TMC for History
If you transferred into CSUMB as an AA-T-certified student in History, you must complete the following courses for your bachelor’s degree in Humanities & Communication at CSUMB. If you are unsure about your transfer status, please talk to an advisor.
Required Courses
Complete all of the following courses: - HCOM 300 - Major ProSeminar Units: 2-4
- HCOM 475 - Senior Capstone Units: 4
Complete one of the following courses: - HCOM 312 - Deliberation and Advocacy Units: 4
- HCOM 317S - Advanced Composition, Composition Theories, Service Learning Units: 4
Complete one of the following Ethical and Effective Communication courses: - HCOM 304 - Relational Ethics Units: 3
- HCOM 310 - Free Speech & Responsibility Units: 4
- HCOM 321 - Introduction to Rhetoric and Culture Units: 4
Complete one of the following Social and Cultural Analysis courses: - HCOM 343 - Race and Gender Justice Units: 3
- HCOM 345 - Chicanx Life & Culture Units: 4
- HCOM 369 - Asian American History Units: 3
- HCOM 393 - Race and Ethnicity in the United States Units: 3
Complete one of the following Engaged Creative Practice courses: - HCOM 328 - Latina Life Stories Units: 4
- HCOM 329 - Auto/Biografias Units: 4
- HCOM 330 - Intro Creative Writing Units: 4
- HCOM 371 - Community Journalism Studies Units: 4
Complete one of the following Humanistic Inquiry courses: - HCOM 301 - Ways Of Knowing Units: 3
- HCOM 327 - Survey American Literature Units: 4
- HCOM 362 - Constitutional History Units: 3
Complete one of the following Service Learning courses: - HCOM 307S - Soc Impct Of Mass Media SL Units: 4
- Units: 4
- HCOM 339S - Creative Writing and Service Learning Units: 4
- HCOM 340S - Topics in Social Movements Service Learning Units: 4
- HCOM 350S - Oral Hist/Comm Mem SL Units: 4
- HCOM 432S - Social Action Writing Units: 4
To complete the requirements of the HCOM major, complete the following courses in the Historical Studies Concentration. One concentration course, unless otherwise indicated, must be an approved research or theory intensive course, indicated as (RTI) in the course lists below. Students may not double count HCOM core courses and concentration courses. Complete the following Research Methods course: - SBS 363 - Historical Methods Units: 3
Complete one of the following Global and Transnational History courses: - HCOM 445 - Slavery & Race in the Americas Units: 4
- HCOM 451 - Transnational Migrations Units: 4
- SBS 305 - Indigenous Histories Units: 3
- SBS 334
- SBS 335 - Digital Ethnographies Units: 3
- SBS 341 - Global Crisis and Climate during the Early Modern World, 1400-1800 Units: 3
- SBS 354 - Rest vs West: Guns, Pirates, and Modernity Units: 3
- SBS 381 - US in Vietnam and Asia-Pacific: Peoples, Colonization, Conflicts, Resources Units: 4
Complete one of the following Ethnic Histories courses: - HCOM 346 - African American Life/History Units: 4
- HCOM 356 - Digital Multicultural U.S. Histories Units: 4
- HCOM 365 - Chicanx Latinx History Units: 4
- Units: 3
- Units: 4
- Units: 4
- SBS 350 - Domination and Resistance: US since 1880 Units: 3
Complete one of the following History Depth courses: - Units: 4
- Units: 4
- HCOM 352 - History According To Movies Units: 4
- HCOM 353 - California At Crossroads Units: 3
- Units: 4
- Units: 4
- HCOM 359 - Law, Politics and LGBTQ History Units: 4
- Units: 3
- HCOM 363 - Topics in Social History Units: 4
- Units: 4
- HCOM 366 - History of Religion in the United States Units: 4
- HCOM 367 - Gender and United States History Units: 4
- HCOM 368 - U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction Units: 4
- Units: 3
- Units: 4
- Units: 4
- Units: 4
- SBS 304 - California Indian Societies Units: 4
- Units: 3
- SBS 315 - Growth and Conflict in the United States to 1920 Units: 3
- SBS 325 - Art of the Aztec Empire Units: 4
- SBS 334
- Units: 3
- Units: 3
- SBS 348 - Maya Civilization Units: 4
- Units: 3
- SBS 353 - Race, Class and Gender in the American West Units: 4
- Units: 3
- SBS 355 - Archaeological Theory Units: 3
- SBS 378 - Revolution and People Power in the Modern World Units: 4
- Units: 4
- SBS 382 - History of Modern Africa Units: 4
- SBS 383 - African Civilizations Units: 3-4
- SBS 386 - Social and Political Histories of California Units: 3
- SBS 389 - Environmental History of California Units: 3
- GS 316 - Approaches/ Global Histories Units: 4
- JAPN 302 - History of Japan Units: 4
- JAPN 307 - Japan-American Experience Units: 3
- SPAN 307 - History&Politics Of Mex Units: 4
- SPAN 308 - Hist/Cultr Aztlan:SW US Units: 4
- SPAN 309 - Hist & Polit Of Latn Amer Units: 4
General Education and University Requirements
The State of California requires completion of a 48 unit General Education Breadth program, including 9 units of upper division GE in areas B, C, and D in order to meet graduation requirements. CSUMB also requires completion of campus-specific University Requirements . Students select and complete coursework in the following areas to satisfy their degree requirements: Students may select additional elective coursework if necessary to complete 60 units. |
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