Learning Outcomes
Major Learning Outcome 1
Student will use accounting, tax, auditing, and systems knowledge and skills effectively (understand and apply the terminology, concepts, theories, and tools typically used in the practice of professional accounting)
Major Learning Outcome 2
Student will communicate in writing effectively (produce effective business writing, alone or with others)
Major Learning Outcome 3
Students will communicate in oral presentations effectively (prepare and deliver effective presentations, alone or with others)
Major Learning Outcome 4
Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills (produce critical analyses of business and accounting issues, alone or with others, that demonstrate integrated use of quantitative and qualitative data to solve problems and think strategically)
Major Learning Outcome 5
Students will use quantitative and data management skills (data analytics) effectively to create plans, forecasts, budgets, projections, and recommendations based on analyses of data using quantitative and artificially intelligent tools)
Major Learning Outcome 6
Sutdents will demonstrate an understanding of ethics, diversity, equity, inclusion, respect for the planet, sustainability, and specific accounting professional responsibilities and conduct codes in evaluating the impact of decisions and strategic actions on stakeholders and society.