Mar 03, 2025
Catalog 2025-2026
Global Studies, AA-T to Global Studies, B.A.
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Download the CCC TMC for Global Studies
If you transferred into CSUMB as an AA-T certified student in Global Studies, you must complete the following courses for the bachelor’s degree in Global Studies. If you are unsure about your transfer status, please talk to an advisor.
Required Courses
Complete all of the following courses: - GS 300 - Major ProSeminar Units: 3
- GS 362 - Global Literatures Units: 3
- EGS 475 - Senior Capstone Units: 4
Complete one of the following Service Learning course or course combinations: - GS 339S - Sweat/Service/Solidarity SL Units: 5
- HCOM 340S - Topics in Social Movements Service Learning Units: 5
- SL 490 - Community, Research and Social Action Units: 3 and
- SL 492S - Participatory Action Research Practicum Units: 2
Complete one of the following upper division Area 3 Social Science GE courses: - GS 327 - Politics of the Middle East Units: 3
- GS 336 - Cultural Geography: Place, Power, and Positioning Units: 3
- GS 342 - Economic Thought: History and Contemporary Interpretations Units: 3
- GS 363 - Comparative Settler Colonialism: Land, the ‘Logic of Elimination,’ and Structures of Race Units: 3
- SSCI 345 - Cultural Anthropology Units: 3
Complete one of the following upper division Area 5 Science GE courses: - ENSTU 309 - Climate Change Science and Solutions Units: 3
- GS 318 - Quantitative Reasoning in Global Perspectives Units: 3
- SSCI 321 - Survey Research in the Social Sciences Units: 3
- SSCI 361 - Introduction to GIS Units: 3
Complete one of the following global culture and representation courses not previously taken - GS 336 - Cultural Geography: Place, Power, and Positioning Units: 3
- GS 350 - Global Gender Issues Units: 4
- GS 360 - Relig’n/Violence/Peacemaking Units: 4
- GS 363 - Comparative Settler Colonialism: Land, the ‘Logic of Elimination,’ and Structures of Race Units: 3
- HCOM 348 - Race, Colonialism, and Film Units: 4
- JAPN 317 - Pacific Food Empires Units: 3
Complete one of the following global politics courses not previously taken: - GS 317 - Global Migrant Workers: Ethnic Experiences, Resistance, and Empowerment Units: 4
- GS 327 - Politics of the Middle East Units: 3
- GS 390 - Global Politics Units: 4
- HCOM 443 - Black Feminist Theory & Praxis Units: 4
- SOC 399 - Contemporary Immigration in Global Perspective Units: 3
Complete one of the following global political economy courses no previously taken: - GS 318 - Quantitative Reasoning in Global Perspectives Units: 3
- GS 342 - Economic Thought: History and Contemporary Interpretations Units: 3
- GS 351 - Global Econ: Theory & Ethics Units: 3
- GS 370 - Global Political Economy Units: 4
- GS 379 - Ethics of Corporate Social Responsibility Units: 3
- HCOM 445 - Slavery & Race in the Americas Units: 4
Complete one of the following historical foundations courses not previously taken: - GS 316 - Approaches/ Global Histories Units: 4
- GS 325 - Geography of International Development Units: 3
- GS 331 - Global Social Protest Units: 4
- GS 385 - Global Ecology Units: 4
- HCOM 346 - African American Life/History Units: 4
- JAPN 407 - The Making of Modern East Asia Units: 3
General Education and University Requirements
To satisfy requirements of the degree, student must successfully complete all Undergraduate Requirements . Several of these (Upper division GE Area 2, Upper division GE Area 4, Upper division Service Learning, and GWAR) are embedded in the major curriculum. Select and complete coursework to meet the following requirements: Students may select additional elective coursework if necessary to complete 60 units. |
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