Mar 02, 2025
Catalog 2023-24 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Social Justice, AA-T to Ethnic & Gender Studies, B.A.
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Required Courses
Complete all of the following courses: - EGS 300 - Ethnic & Gender Studies Major ProSeminar Units: 2
- HCOM 312 - Deliberation and Advocacy Units: 4
- HCOM 391 - Race and Ethnicity in the United States Units: 3
- EGS 475 - Senior Capstone Units: 4
Complete one of the following Intersection of Race and Gender courses: - HCOM 342 - Feminist Theories & Methods Units: 4
- HCOM 344 - Chicana/Latina Experiences Units: 4
- HCOM 443 - Black Feminist Theory & Praxis Units: 4
Complete one of the following Service Learning courses: - GS 339S - Sweat/Service/Solidarity SL Units: 5
- HCOM 307S - Soc Impct Of Mass Media SL Units: 5
- HCOM 317S - Advanced Composition, Composition Theories, Service Learning Units: 5
- HCOM 339S - Creative Writing and Service Learning Units: 5
- HCOM 340S - Topics in Social Movements Service Learning Units: 5
- HCOM 350S - Oral Hist/Comm Mem SL Units: 5
- HCOM 432S - Social Action Writing SL Units: 5
- SL 300S - Social Justice and Service Learning Pedagogy Units: 4
- SL 394S - Service and Social Justice Units: 4
- SL 491S - Topics in Civic Engage Units: 4
- SPAN 301S - Service Learning in the Chicano / Latino Community Units: 4
Complete one of the following Cultural Expression/Representation courses: - GS 336 - Cultural Geography: Place, Power, and Positioning Units: 4
- HCOM 324 - African American Narratives Units: 4
- HCOM 328 - Latina Life Stories Units: 4
- HCOM 329 - Auto/Biografias Units: 4
- HCOM 333 - Women’s Writing Workshop Units: 4
- HCOM 335 - Amer Ethnic Lit & Culture Units: 3
- HCOM 336 - Poetry and Gender Units: 4
- HCOM 337 - Women’s Literature Units: 4
- HCOM 341 - Poetry & Pop Culture Units: 4
- HCOM 348 - Race, Colonialism, and Film Units: 4
- HCOM 426 - Travel Narratives Units: 4
- SPAN 365 - The Chicano Narrative Units: 3
Complete one of the following Social Movements and Communities courses: - GS 317 - Global Migrant Workers: Ethnic Experiences, Resistance, and Empowerment Units: 4
- HCOM 315 - Media for Social Change Units: 4
- HCOM 343 - Race and Gender Justice Units: 3
- HCOM 345 - Chicanx Life & Culture Units: 4
- HCOM 440 - Leadership and Multicultural Communities Units: 4
- HCOM 455 - Paradigms Of Chicanx Comm Units: 4
Complete one of the following Historical Formations courses: - GS 325 - Geography of International Development Units: 4
- HCOM 346 - African American Life/History Units: 4
- HCOM 356 - Digital Multicultural U.S. Histories Units: 4
- HCOM 359 - Law, Politics and LGBTQ History Units: 4
- HCOM 365 - Chicanx Latinx History Units: 4
- HCOM 367 - Gender and United States History Units: 4
- HCOM 369 - Asian American History Units: 3
- HCOM 451 - Transnational Migrations Units: 4
- JAPN 307 - Japan-American Experience Units: 3
- SBS 350 - Domination and Resistance: US since 1880 Units: 3
- SBS 353 - Race, Class and Gender in the American West Units: 3
Complete one of the following Theories of Race and Gender courses: - HCOM 344 - Chicana/Latina Experiences
- HCOM 443 - Black Feminist Theory & Praxis
- HCOM 445 - Slavery & Race in the Americas Units: 4
- HCOM 451 - Transnational Migrations
- SPAN 336 - LGBTQ/ Queer Hispanic Experiences Units: 4
General Education and University Requirements
To satisfy the requirements of this degree, students must successfully complete all Undergraduate Requirements . Some of these (GWAR, Upper division Service Learning) are embedded in the major curriculum. Select and complete coursework to meet the following requirements: Students may select additional elective coursework if necessary to complete 60 units. |
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